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Deploy to Deno Deploy

With this guide, you can learn how to build and deploy a simple application to Deno Deploy. The application uses Prisma ORM to save a log of each request to a PostgreSQL database.

This guide covers the use of Prisma CLI with Deno CLI, Deno Deploy, Prisma Client, and Prisma Accelerate.


This guide demonstrates how to deploy an application to Deno Deploy in conjunction with a PostgreSQL database, but you can use any database type that Prisma ORM supports.


  • a free account
  • a free Deno Deploy account
  • a PostgreSQL database
  • Node.js & npm installed
  • Deno v1.29.4 or later installed. Learn more.
  • (Recommended) Latest version of Prisma ORM.
  • (Recommended) Deno extension for VS Code. Learn more.

1. Set up your application

To start, you create a directory for your project, and then use deno run to initialize your application with prisma init as an npm package with npm specifiers.

To set up your application:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to a location of your choice.

  2. Run the following commands to set up your application.

    mkdir prisma-deno-deploy
    cd prisma-deno-deploy
    deno run -A npm:prisma init
  3. Edit the prisma/schema.prisma file to define the data model and enable the deno preview feature flag.

    Later in the guide, you create an application that uses the Log model to store data for incoming requests from the application.

    To use Deno, you need to add the preview feature flag deno to the generator block of your schema.prisma file. Also, Deno requires that you generate Prisma Client in a custom location. You can enable this with the output parameter in the generator block. To satisfy both of these requirements, add the following lines to the generator block:

    generator client {
    provider = "prisma-client-js"
    previewFeatures = ["deno"]
    output = "../generated/client"

    datasource db {
    provider = "postgresql"
    url = env("DATABASE_URL")

    model Log {
    id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
    level Level
    message String
    meta Json

    enum Level {
  4. In your .env file, replace the current placeholder connection string postgresql://johndoe:randompassword@localhost:5432/mydb?schema=public with your PostgreSQL connection string.

2. Create the database schema

With the data model in place and your database connection configured, you can now apply the data model to your database.

deno run -A npm:prisma migrate dev --name init

The command does two things:

  1. It creates a new SQL migration file for this migration
  2. It runs the SQL migration file against the database

At this point, the command has two additional side effects. The command installs Prisma Client and creates the package.json file for the project, which includes the @prisma/client package as a dependency.

3. Generate Prisma Client for Prisma Accelerate

Next, generate Prisma Client for the Prisma Accelerate with the --no-engine flag. Later, you will use Prisma Accelerate to connect to your database over HTTP.

deno run -A --unstable npm:prisma generate --no-engine

Prior to Prisma ORM 5.2.0, the --no-engine flag is not available. Instead, use the --accelerate flag.

deno run -A npm:prisma generate --accelerate

You now have a database schema and a locally generated Prisma Client for the Prisma Accelerate.

4. Create your application

You can now create a local Deno application. Create index.ts in the root folder of your project and add the content below:

import { serve } from ''
import { PrismaClient } from './generated/client/deno/edge.ts'

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

async function handler(request: Request) {
const log = await prisma.log.create({
data: {
level: 'Info',
message: `${request.method} ${request.url}`,
meta: {
headers: JSON.stringify(request.headers),
const body = JSON.stringify(log, null, 2)
return new Response(body, {
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' },


VS Code error: An import path cannot end with a '.ts' extension

If you use VS Code and see the error An import path cannot end with a '.ts' extension for the import statements at the beginning of index.ts, you need to install the Deno extension for VS Code, select View > Command Palette and run the command Deno: Initialize Workspace Configuration. This tells VS Code that the TypeScript files in the current project need to run with Deno, which then triggers the correct validations.

What's next

You cannot run this script yet, because you do not yet have the required Prisma Accelerate connection string to use Prisma Client with your database. Later in this guide, you will obtain the required credentials when you next add your application to the Prisma Data Platform.

After that, you test your application locally.

5. Enable Accelerate in the Prisma Data Platform

To get started with Prisma Accelerate:

  1. Sign up for a free
  2. Create a project
  3. Navigate to the project you created
  4. Enable Accelerate
  5. Generate an Accelerate connection string and copy it to your clipboard

6. Configure Prisma Accelerate in your environment

With the Accelerate connection string copied, you can replace the existing connection string that you used to create the database schema in your .env file.

Prisma Client does not read .env files by default on Deno, so you must also install dotenv-cli locally.

To configure Prisma Accelerate:

  1. Install the dotenv-cli.

    npm install dotenv-cli
  2. Add the Prisma Accelerate connection string to the .env file. Also, comment out the direct connection string.

    # Previous database connection
    # DATABASE_URL="postgres://..."

The configuration of your local environment is now ready to send Prisma Client queries to the database through Prisma Accelerate.

7. Test your application locally

You can now start your application locally and test the creation of log entries.

npx dotenv -- deno run -A ./index.ts

In a web browser, open http://localhost:8000/. This page writes your request to the database.

"id": 3,
"level": "Info",
"message": "GET http://localhost:8000/",
"meta": {
"headers": "{}"

Reload the page a few times.

Every time you reload, the script generates a new log entry and the id of the current log entry increments.

This confirms that your application works when you run it from your local environment.

8. Create a repository and push to GitHub

You need a GitHub repository to add your project to Deno Deploy and enable automated deployments whenever you push changes.

To set up a GitHub repository:

  1. Create a private GitHub repository.

  2. Initialize your repository locally and push your changes to GitHub, with the following commands:

    git init -b main
    git remote add origin<username>/prisma-deno-deploy
    git add .
    git commit -m "initial commit"
    git push -u origin main

9. Deploy to Deno Deploy

Use the GitHub repository to add your application to Deno Deploy:

  1. Go to
  2. Select a GitHub organization or user and then select a repository.
  3. Select a production branch and select Automatic mode so that Deno Deploy can deploy every time you push a change to the repository.
  4. Select index.ts as the entry point to your project.
  5. To define the Accelerate connection string, click Add Env Variable.
    1. For KEY, enter DATABASE_URL.
    2. For VALUE, paste the Accelerate connection string. Deno Deploy - project parameters
  6. Click Link.
    Wait for the first Deno deployment to finish.

When the first deployment finishes, your browser is redirected to the project view.

What's next

Click the blue View button at the top right to open the deployed Deno application.

The application shows a similar result as when you tested locally with a further increment of the new Log record id number.

"id": 5,
"level": "Info",
"message": "GET",
"meta": {
"headers": "{}"


You successfully deployed a Deno application that you created in TypeScript, which uses Prisma Client for the Prisma Accelerate to connect to a PostgreSQL database.