

Subscribe to type-safe database events

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Make real-time easier

Achieve seamless real-time communication between your database and app, letting you focus on building robust apps while we handle the data syncs for you - like magic.

Getting data with subscribe()
Combine subscribe() with different parameters
// Subscribe to new events on the `message` table
const liveQuery = prisma.message.subscribe()
// Waiting loop that prints new events when something changes in the database
for await (const event of liveQuery) {
console.log(event.action); // 'create', 'update', 'delete'
Getting data with subscribe()
// Subscribe to new events on the `message` table
const liveQuery = prisma.message.subscribe()
// Waiting loop that prints new events when something changes in the database
for await (const event of liveQuery) {
console.log(event.action); // 'create', 'update', 'delete'
Combine subscribe() with different parameters

Bring your own database

Smoothly integrate Pulse with your existing database for seamless CDC management. Follow our guide to make your database Pulse-ready, enabling real-time streaming and improved app performance.

Ease of use

Subscribe to real-time data changes in your database with the subscribe() function in Prisma Client. Enjoy hassle-free, type-safe database subscriptions and smooth integration.

Time to market

Streamline your development with Pulse for faster real-time features. Skip database polling and complex change data capture, and focus on building exceptional apps.

Architectural freedom

Pulse grants you the freedom to adopt real-time synchronization within your existing Postgres database architecture. We're actively exploring expanding support to more database systems.

What's happening under the hood


Prisma Pulse is priced based on usage. Choose the right plan for your workspace based on your project requirements.

Explore our plans

Frequently asked questionsFAQs

What databases are supported with Pulse?
Currently, Pulse supports PostgreSQL. We plan to broaden support to include more databases soon.

Note: Pulse compatibility with Postgres-like databases depends on their logical replication capabilities.
Can I use Pulse in my front-end code?
No, Pulse is server-side and subscriptions cannot be initiated directly within client-side code.

If you would find this feature valuable, please share your thoughts on the #help-and-questions channel in our community Discord.
Does Pulse store my database events?
Pulse does not persist database events and does not provide delivery guarantees regarding ordering or exact-once/at-least-once delivery.

To capture database events, an application must maintain an active connection to Pulse using the subscribe method. Any events occurring without an active subscription will be discarded.

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