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Start building with Prisma ORM

Node.js and TypeScript ORM with an intuitive data model, automated migrations, type-safety, and auto-completion.

Combine it with Prisma Studio to explore and manipulate your data.

Optimize your database queries

Use Prisma Optimize to generate insights and get recommendations to improve your database queries, making your application run faster.

Grow and evolve your application

Scale your database connections and cache your database results at the edge with Prisma Accelerate.

Add Prisma Pulse to your app to react to database changes with type-safe model subscriptions.

Platform Reference

Understand the usage and API surface of our platform products built on top of Prisma ORM.


Prisma ORM works seamlessly across most popular databases and service providers. Refer to our Database features matrix for information about supported features and types for each database.
To explore supported databases for Accelerate, visit the prerequisites section. For Pulse, see the database setup documentation.