June 16, 2022

The Prisma Data Platform is now Generally Available

The Prisma Data Platform includes a Data Proxy, a Data Browser, and a Query Console that integrates with your current development pipeline.

The Prisma Data Platform

Prisma has become one of the most popular ORMs in the JavaScript community today. While ORMs make it easier for individual application developers to work with databases, they don’t address certain categories of problems that appear once their applications run in production.

  • Many of Prisma’s ORM users prefer to use serverless infrastructure like AWS Lambda or Cloudflare Workers. They need simplified connection pooling between their application layer and their database infrastructure that ensures that queries are efficient and secure.
  • Our users have expressed a desire for a more advanced online version of Prisma Studio that could be used securely across an entire team.

That’s why we’re proud to announce that the Prisma Data Platform is now generally available to the public. The Prisma Data Platform provides a collaborative environment for connecting apps to databases. It also includes a visual interface for navigating, editing, and querying data. You can get started for free in minutes, and then scale up as your team or usage grows.

Integrate with your current development pipeline

Working with the same source of truth is instrumental for collaboration. Every project within the Prisma Data Platform starts with the GitHub repo and branch that contain your Prisma schema. It’s really easy to get started.

  1. Choose the repo and branch where your Prisma schema is hosted, or pick from a selection of sample projects available in the platform. This will lay out a Prisma project for your app’s database. The repo maps to a Prisma project, and an environment maps to a branch.
  2. Connect to your database’s hosting environment or provision a new database.
  3. Configure your Data Proxy.

That’s it. You’ve configured your first environment for your team. You’ve just 1.) set up a data proxy that ensures your app can securely and reliably connect to your database and 2.) made it easier for your team to work with the appropriate version of your database.

The data in this Prisma Data Platform environment will always be in sync with the latest version of your schema file in the branch.

Prisma GitHub Sync

Connect databases to your apps in minutes

Nobody likes a slow and unreliable database. Connection pooling solves part of this by creating and managing a pool of database connections that enable your application to seamlessly scale these connections up and down as needed. The Prisma Data Proxy enables your organization to set up connection pooling for your infrastructure in minutes, including serverless and edge technologies. Your teams can now use a best-in-class ORM coupled with traditional databases in constrained serverless environments that don't support TCP, like Cloudflare Workers and Vercel Edge.

Under the covers, the Prisma Data Proxy is:

  • Preventing you from exhausting your database connections or requiring you to scale up your database to support more connections
  • Mitigating cold starts in your serverless functions by reusing existing database connections
  • Providing a reduction in bundle size for frictionless serverless deployments

Data Proxy for Serverless

Currently the Prisma Data Proxy supports apps near AWS us-east and eu-frankfurt.

Collaborate across teams and databases

When collaborating with your application’s data, it’s ideal to have a single interface and common language to use across teams. Individuals should have access to the most recent version of data, and shouldn’t be able to alter something that can break something in production. Start by setting up your first project environment. An environment comes with a Data Browser and a Query Console, which help your team navigate, alter, and query your data. Then set up role-based access control for your team to get to work.

Map data across your organization

Many of our users find Prisma Studio helpful for working with their data, but asked for an online version so they could sync with their team. The Data Browser allows your team to collaborate in one central place. Your team can securely view the data and data model in their databases, validate the result of queries, and make manual data changes when needed.

Prisma Data Browser

If you’ve used Prisma Studio locally, some of these features will seem familiar. A few highlights include:

  • Viewing your database records shaped as Prisma models
  • Configuring powerful filters, pagination, and sorting
  • Showing a subset of a model's fields
  • Navigating and configuring relations across models with ease

Prisma Data Browser

Set up secure access across your organization

With the Prisma Data Platform, you can now set up role-based access control to ensure that team members can safely collaborate with your data. Paid plans allow you to set up four different roles for your team:

  • Admin: Can do all possible actions, e.g. configuring project settings and viewing/editing data
  • Collaborator: Access the Data Browser and view and edit data
  • Developer: While this is the same as collaborators, it will eventually have more developer-oriented features like viewing the schema
  • Viewer: Can simply view data with no editing capabilities

Experiment with queries in less time

Once you’ve set up an environment for your database, you can use the Query Console to query that data without having to constantly run these queries in your code locally. Complex queries are often difficult to get right without having executed them against real data. Quickly troubleshoot a query and ensure it returns the right data, before going through a complete deployment cycle.

Prisma Query Console

Experimentation is also much easier with the Query Console. You can try out queries against various database environments without having to constantly switch your local configuration. Just set up another branch for your Prisma schema in GitHub, and then build another environment in the Prisma Data Platform. Your environment’s Query Console will always be in sync with the Prisma schema in your GitHub repo.

The Query Console includes the auto-completion offered by the Prisma Client. You can also aggregate data and execute advanced data operations.

Get started with the Prisma Data Platform for free

Thousands of developers choose the Prisma ORM to think less about databases and more about the data they need for their applications. The Prisma Data Platform aims to maximize productivity for teams using those databases. Sign up for free and get started in minutes. You can import your existing Prisma project, or create a new one by provisioning a database with one of our trusted partners: PlanetScale or Heroku. As you scale, there are now plans that are ideal for larger traffic as well as bigger teams.

Get started with the Prisma Data Platform

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