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Front matter

Meta information

Front matter that informs the meta information of a page.


The <h1> title of the page. This title appears at the top of the page, and in the left-hand navigation.

You do not need to add this text as an <h1> because Gatsby generates this heading from the title tag.


  • You can wrap the title text in single quotes, but this is not mandatory.
  • If you wrap the title text in single quotes, then you cannot include apostrophes in the text.


The <title> of the page - falls back to title (h1).

This tag is important for Google SEO. If we wish, we can make the metaTitle more descriptive than the title.

For good SEO, spell out abbreviations in this tag, unless they are industry standard. For example, spell out "Prisma Data Platform", but it is fine to use the abbreviation "ORM".


  • You can wrap the metaTitle text in single quotes, but this is not mandatory.
  • If you wrap the metaTitle text in single quotes, then you cannot include apostrophes in the text.

Specifies a different, usually shorter title for the left-hand navigation.


The <meta name="description" content="" /> of the page.


  • You can wrap the metaDescription text in single quotes, but this is not mandatory.
  • If you wrap the metaDescription text in single quotes, then you cannot include apostrophes in the text.

Front matter that configured the navigation.


Accepts a string specifying the duration to read the article.

Example: duration: '15 min'


Accepts true or false (defaults to false).

Adds a Preview label to a page in the left-hand navigation.


Accepts true or false (defaults to false).

Adds a Deprecated label to a page in the left-hand navigation.

Table of Contents (right sidebar)


Enable or disable table of contents navigation on the page (defaults to false). For example:

toc: true


Controls the depth of headings to show in the in-page ToC:

tocDepth: 2

Note: Currently defaults up to level - h2

Front matter that configures search.


Accepts true or false (defaults to true).

When set to false, omits the page from search results.

search: false

Page content

Front matter that configured page content


Accepts an array of languages to be shown in the page as dropdown options in order to switch the context between the pages


langSwitcher: ['typescript', 'node']


Accepts an array of database options to be shown in the page as dropdown options in order to switch the context between the pages


dbSwitcher: ['postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlserver', 'planetscale', 'cockroachdb']


Front matter to configure the visual appearance of a page.


Accepts true or false (defaults to false).

When set to 'true', this page will have a content width of 988px instead of the default 748px.


wide: true


  • Please use this only for pages with unreadable wide tables.