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Upgrade from MongoDB Beta


This guide helps you migrate from the Prisma 1 MongoDB Beta to MongoDB on Prisma ORM 2 or later. To learn more about the differences between Prisma 1 and Prisma ORM 2.x and later, refer to this document.

The scope of this guide is to give you the workflow necessary to perform the migration and highlight some of the problems you might encounter.

We unfortunately can't cover all possible scenarios or changes required, but this guide should help you on your journey. Join our Discord or create an issue on Github with any questions.


Perform this migration on your staging environment before trying this in production!


Installing Prisma ORM 3.12.0 or later

In your project directory run the following commands:

$ npm install prisma@latest
$ npx prisma init --datasource-provider=mongodb

This should create the following files:

  • prisma/schema.prisma: An initial Prisma schema
  • .env: Environment file where you'll store your connection string

If you see the following error:

ERROR  File schema.prisma already exists in your project.
Please try again in a project that is not yet using Prisma.

You have likely a prisma/ directory in your project already. Rename that directory to something like _prisma/ and try again

Find the Connection String to your MongoDB Database

Next you'll want to find the connection string to your MongoDB database. You should be able to find it in your docker-compose.yml file or on MongoDB Atlas. It's what you'd pass to MongoDB Compass. The connection string should look something like this:


The database that stores application data in Prisma 1 is called default_default, so we'll add that to the end of the connection string and update the DATABASE_URL key in the .env file


Introspect your MongoDB Database

You're now ready to pull the structure of your database down into your Prisma Schema.

$ npx prisma db pull

And you should see your Prisma schema in prisma/schema.prisma populated with your models.


If you see the following error: Error in connector: SCRAM failure: Authentication failed., try adding ?authSource=admin to the end of your connection string and trying again.

Touching up your Prisma Schema

The generated Prisma Client from a freshly introspected Prisma 1 based MongoDB database may not have the best API. You can adjust the model names and fields, just be sure to @map and @@map the original name to the underlying database collection and field names:

- model posts {
+ model Post {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
published Boolean
title String
+ @@map("posts")

- model users {
+ model User {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
email String @unique(map: "email_U")
name String
- posts String[] @db.ObjectId
+ postIds String[] @db.ObjectId @map("posts")

@@index([posts], map: "posts_R")
+ @@map("users")

Take caution in doing these renames because you need to make sure the Prisma Schema still maps properly to the underlying database collections and field names.

Unlike SQL databases, MongoDB doesn't have an explicit understanding of relationships between data. This means that Prisma ORM's introspection is unable to infer those relationships for you.

We typically recommend adding the relationships by hand with the help of this documentation. However, Prisma 1 stores foreign keys is different than where Prisma ORM 2 and later expects foreign keys, so if you want to take advantage of relationships, you'll need to shift where the foreign keys are on your database before adding the relationships.


💡 Download the Prisma VSCode Extension to provide autocomplete and helpful error messages as you transition your Prisma schema.

Generating a Prisma Client

With the Prisma schema populated with the schema of your data, you're now ready to generate a Typescript Client to read and write to your MongoDB database.

$ npx prisma generate

Testing Reads

Create a simple test.ts script to verify that Prisma Client can read and write to your application. Note that this guide is using the example in the Prisma 1 examples repository, but the code will change depending on your application.

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
const prisma = new PrismaClient()

async function main() {
await prisma.$connect()
const posts = await

.finally(() => prisma.$disconnect())

Make sure ts-node is installed globally and run:

ts-node test.ts

You should see a list of your data:

comments: [],
id: '62435a83fca136000996ba16',
content: '',
published: true,
title: 'Join us for Prisma Day 2019 in Berlin',
wasCreated: 2022-03-29T19:14:11.172Z,
wasUpdated: 2022-03-29T19:14:11.172Z
comments: [ [Object] ],
id: '62435a83fca136000996ba18',
content: '',
published: true,
title: 'Subscribe to GraphQL Weekly for community news',
wasCreated: 2022-03-29T19:14:11.369Z,
wasUpdated: 2022-03-29T19:14:11.369Z
comments: [],
id: '62435a83fca136000996ba1a',
content: '',
published: false,
title: 'Follow Prisma on Twitter',
wasCreated: 2022-03-29T19:14:11.375Z,
wasUpdated: 2022-03-29T19:14:11.375Z

Testing Writes

You can then alter your test.ts to try writes:

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
const prisma = new PrismaClient()

async function main() {
await prisma.$connect()
const user = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Alice',

.finally(() => prisma.$disconnect())

And you should see a user was created.


If you see the following error:

Prisma needs to perform transactions, which requires your MongoDB server to be run as a replica set.

This means that your MongoDB database isn't running as a replica set. Refer to the link above for steps to resolve this issue.

Upgrading your Application

Now that you have a working Prisma Client, you can start replacing Prisma Client 1 queries with the latest Prisma Client queries. The Prisma Client Reference is a helpful resource for learning how to use the latest Prisma Client.


I hope this brief guide was helpful in getting you started on the right path. Let us know if you have any questions or issues. We really appreciate your support over the years.