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jsonProtocol changes

As of Prisma ORM version 5.0.0, the new jsonProtocol is the default. There are some changes that directly result from this change and a few changes that are related to the new protocol.

A full list of Prisma ORM 5 changes can be found in our release notes.

jsonProtocol specific changes

Below are changes that result directly from the jsonProtocol feature becoming the default in Prisma ORM 5.

Removal of jsonProtocol Preview Feature

In Prisma ORM 5, jsonProtocol is the default and only protocol in Prisma Client. The jsonProtocol Preview feature is no longer needed.

Prisma ORM 4 and lower:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["jsonProtocol"]

Prisma ORM 5:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"

Improved error messages

Due to the switch to the new protocol, several error messages have been improved. For example, the following error message in Prisma ORM 4 and below:

Failed to validate the query: `Unable to match input value to any allowed input type for the field. Parse errors: [Query parsing/validation error at ``: Unable to match input value to any allowed input type for the field. Parse errors: [Query parsing/validation error at ``: A value is required but not set., Query parsing/validation error at ``: A value is required but not set.], Query parsing/validation error at ``: Field does not exist on enclosing type.]` at ``

becomes the following in Prisma ORM 5:

Invalid `prisma.user.create()` invocation in

18 const prisma = new PrismaClient()
20 for (const u of userData) {
→ 21 const user = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
email: "",
person: {
create: {
first_name: "William",
last_name: "Albright",
+ hubspot_id: String

Argument `hubspot_id` must not be null.

Below are changes that are related to the switch to the new protocol. If you were using the jsonProtocol Preview Feature, you most likely ran into these issues.

Removal of array shortcuts

Several array shortcuts were removed as a part of this major update. These shortcuts were a way to add a single element as a value to an array-based operator.

OR operators

The following code in Prisma ORM 4 and lower:

where: {
OR: { email: '' },

Will need to be changed to the following in Prisma ORM 5:

where: {
OR: [{ email: '' }],

OR operators will only accept array values.

in and notIn operators

Similar to OR, in and notIn require array values.

Prisma ORM 4 and lower:

where: {
id: { in: 123 },

where: {
id: { notIn: 123 },

Prisma ORM 5:

where: {
id: {
in: [123],

where: {
id: {
notIn: [123],
Suggestion for single elements

If your in and notIn values are only one element, you can also update your code to not use these operators at all:

where: {
id: 123,

where: {
id: { not: 123 },

path argument for filtering on JSON fields in PostgreSQL

When filtering on JSON fields in a PostgreSQL model the path argument now only accepts an array.

When using the following schema:

model User {
id String @id
settings Json

Prisma ORM 4 and lower:

where: {
settings: {
path: 'someSetting',
equals: someValue,

Prisma ORM 5:

where: {
settings: {
path: ['someSetting'],
equals: someValue,

Note: This path argument change only affects PostgreSQL databases. MySQL databases are not affected as they use a different syntax.

Scalar lists

Scalar list values must be arrays in all operations.

With the following schema:

model Post {
id String @id @default(uuid())
tags String[]

Prisma ORM 4 and lower:{
data: {
tags: 'databases',
where: {
tags: 'databases',

Prisma ORM 5:{
data: {
tags: ['databases'],
where: {
tags: ['databases'],

Composite lists

Operations on lists of Composite types (for MongoDB) now only accept array values.

With the following schema:

model Post {
id String @id @default(uuid())
commentsList Comment[]

type Comment {
text String

Prisma ORM 4 and lower:{
where: {
commentsList: {
equals: { text: 'hello' },

Prisma ORM 5:{
where: {
commentsList: {
equals: [{ text: 'hello' }],
Shorthand notation usage

If you use the shorthand notation and exclude equals, you still must supply an array value for composite list fields.

Prisma 4 and lower:{
data: {
commentsList: { text: 'hello' },
where: {
commentsList: { text: 'hello' },

Prisma 5:{
data: {
commentsList: [{ text: 'hello' }],
where: {
commentsList: [{ text: 'hello' }],